Should I Use the Contractors’ Draftsman or Hire My Own Architect for My Project?
Sometimes prospective clients will say that their contractor has offered to provide building plans or "blueprints" as part of the construction cost of the project and that it seems like it would be a big savings over hiring a design professional like an architect. For a small job, where the client knows exactly what they want and the contractor . . . Read more...
Are There Square Footage Thresholds to Consider With a Room Addition?
There are so many things to consider when you're thinking of adding onto your home; budget, design, budget, space requirements & budget, to name a few. Since budget ends up being the driving force behind most projects, it is important to find out ways to maximize value. When doing an addition, most clients understand that there are costs that . . . Read more...
My Architect Told Me that Engineers will be Working on My Project. Why do I Need the Help of These Other People?
One of the curses of being an architect - besides being annoyingly opinionated much of the time, is that it’s difficult for us to conceptualize a residential or commercial design solution without also immediately putting our minds to work on how to get that solution permitted and built. The number of considerations involved in turning an idea . . . Read more...
Effective Tenant Improvement Projects Begin by Asking the Right Questions
I think there is a part of all of us that enjoys understanding how things work and why people make the decisions they do. I became aware of this truth before I was a teenager, when one of my sisters made a statement that seemed to come from nowhere. "What were you thinking about when you said that?" I asked. "Why do you do that?" she responded. . . . Read more...
How Long Should My Commercial Building Last?
As the owner of a commercial building you want to entice the best tenants by offering competitive lease rates. But you also need to understand that there are hidden costs involved that you need to make sure are covered. One of the largest costs associated with any commercial building is replacement of building systems that simply wear out. . . . Read more...