Trends come and go rather rapidly these days. Fads in clothing and hairstyles tend to only last a season or two. That popular dance move that all the teenagers were doing just a few months ago became suddenly uncool once all their parents started mimicking it. One area in which trends tend to …
Architectural Design for Small Interior Remodels: Not as Straightforward as You May Think
Here at Grisafe Architecture, we love a good home renovation television show as much as anyone else, but they definitely haven’t done a lot of favors for those of us working in architecture. In a half hour television show, viewers can see house flippers, interior designers, and even DIYers tearing …
Grisafe Architecture Featured in Case Study by Local Screen Mesh Manufacturer
As architects, we are often tasked with coming up with creative solutions that solve multiple problems for our clients. A homeowner may want to add square footage to their home, while at the same time, changing the look of their home’s exterior. Or the owner of a commercial building will ask us to …